Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Things I Know or Learned About Java

Java is a fantastic language and only tiniest bit less so since Microsoft came out with the .NET family of languages. As I understand it Sun Microsystems developed this, the first truly portable programming language, for microwaves ovens, and toasters, and refrigerators and stuff.

They didn't call it Java back when it was used to program coffee pots. What they did do back then was develop a two-stage compile process that turned the high-level language (the sort of human readable programming language) into byte-code which could be compiled specifically for the machine. This saved a lot of money programming coffee pots as each coffee pot didn't need to have the high level language compiled for it. This in turn meant that those people whose coffee fueled lifestyle had them living by the second hand could setup there coffee pots before bed and wake up to freshly brewed coffee.

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