Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I am reading some of the help comments some of my fellow students have left. One of the ones that caught my eye had to do with "smart quotes", or error ticks not to be confused with deer ticks, which carry lime disease. Error ticks are just bugs in almost every programming language.

This one has guards on him: '“'

The suggest for preventing some of these guys had to do with changing the autocorrect options in MS Word. That reminded me of another tab in that same dialog window options thingy. I love Autocorrect. You can have so much fun with it. Mean fun, but fun anyway. I set it to replace my first name spelled in all lower case with my first name spelled in all lower case followed by the words "is a douche".

I wouldn't do that to anyone else. I wonder if a Tier 1 support technician could figure out why Microsoft Word has is making fun of a fat girl named Peggy, while she is in tears on the line. Poor, poor fat piggy. I told you it was mean. Which is why I only do it to myself.

I actually saw an episode of the office where umm... the protaganist(Mike, maybe?) confessed to writing a macro to do call Dwight a weenie or something. Betcha, disable macros occurs in a troubleshooting flowchart before autocorrect.

Of course it doesn't have to be used for nefarious purposes. Autocorrect can be used force people to stop using texty slang. This of course could be done in a mean way too though. For example you could have "ur" replaced with "you're", or "Type the @#$%ing word 'you're' you lazy @#$%ing good for nothing @#$%!" If you're feeling in the mood for little fun with cultural sensitivity, you might want to try autocorrecting "OMG" with "OMG-D, please." I always like replacing common texting slang with strings of nonsense letters. Something like replacing LOL with a brace expansion of each letter of LOL against each letter of the alphabet all concatenated together.

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